February Cohort 1 Meeting

The start of February brought with it the first cohort meeting of the Spring! Many teachers from Cohort 1 came together at the RiSE Center to discuss how the first year of the project has gone and how to ensure success for Cohort 2 in the upcoming year. The meeting began its reflection by watching a video clip from a classroom observation this past fall and a slideshow put together by a teacher of their class working with the integrated lesson. The group then split up into their content groups to discuss the challenges and successes they experienced this past year. These were noted on sticky notes which were then placed into different categories and displayed in a gallery walk.

Following lunch from Harvest Moon (yum!), the group participated in a CS Unplugged activity. Lots of fun was had playing with patterns and learning more about computer science! Within their content groups, the Cohort 1 teachers discussed how to inform and implement modifications to the integrated lessons. Plans for the future were discussed for more meetings and as always, more learning!